Using Command Prompt
netstat -ao -p tcp | findstr "3000"
Where ‘3000’ is the port number in which the process is running
obtain the PID (Process ID) by running the above command , then use the below command to kill the process with PID
taskkill /pid <PROCESS_ID_HERE> ex: taskkill /pid 8087
Using a Java Program
Create a java program with file name
import; import java.util.Scanner; public class TaskKiller { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { System.out.println("Kill the Process Running On port : "); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String port =; System.out.println("Looking for Process Running on port : " + port); Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c netstat -ao -p tcp | findstr \""+port+"\""); Scanner scanner = new Scanner(process.getInputStream()); int count = 0; String processId = null; while (scanner.hasNext()) { String value =; if(count == 4) { System.out.println("Found Process Running On port :"+port); System.out.println("ProcessId =" +value); processId = value; } count++; } if(processId !=null && Integer.parseInt(processId)>0) { System.out.println("Killing the Process"); Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /c taskkill /pid " + processId + " /f"); System.out.println("Process running on port "+port+" has been killed."); } if(processId ==null){ System.out.println("No Process found on port "+port); } scanner.close(); sc.close(); } }
You could create a windows batch file (.bat) and trigger the Java Program.
@echo cd\ cd c: cd c:\code\ javac java TaskKiller @echo ---------- @echo Completed @pause
Happy Coding !
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